Screen Time

I'm only just realising that kids as young as 2 years old are being plonked in front of screens mainly to help their parents. This becomes balefully obvious when you're travelling. Especially on aeroplanes.

There is one across from me right now on my flight to Athens which has been delayed and we're siring board waiting on. And she knows exactly how to use it. At 2. she’s scrolling.

I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum and sure I'm a lot less capable.

I'm not thinking about the psychological implications but the social impact could be horrendous. The constant noise is like a dentist’s drill without any anaesthesia. Where is that drinks trolley?

The parents are blissfully oblivious. He's having a nap and she's looking longingly at her phone as she plays some game. It's an electronic babyminder.

I’d have words with the father but he's at least a shade or three bigger than me.

Of course, they are right in sync with the rest of us.

Interestingly the kids began to freak out about halfway through the trip, lost in inconsolable interiors.

That's the problem with flights... You have to put up with other people's pandemonium.

I wonder how this might translate to the adults. There could be a punch-up real soon. Adults brawling in the aisle. The human race is on a virtual volva, a knife edge... I have my fears.

There's only one solution for it. Grab your phone and slap on the noise-cancelling headphones.

David J Whyte

Golf Travel Writer & Photographer, David sets out to capture some of his best encounters in words and pictures.

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